If you want to republish full or parts of articles from my research on the internet you are allowed to do this under the following fair conditions:
- If the main purpose of your site is to gain money from republishing article of others (i.e. ads, SEO etc) you are not allowed to republish my articles.
- You provide full attribution to me. This attribution must precede the republished content and must be clearly recognizable by the user. It must provide a link to the original content. You must also provide the date you made the copy, because the original article might have changed in the mean time.
- In no way the user should get the feeling that the article was created by you. The user should always be aware that this is only republished content and where to get the original information.
- The republished content must be available for free and without the need to provide user specific information, that is no login or even payment is required.
- If you provide only parts of the article you clearly note that this is not the full article. You must also be sure that the content is not taken out of context or put into a different context which changes its meaning.
- Please make sure that the formatting of code and similar parts matches the original source.
- Please drop me a note when you republish content so that I'm aware of it.
You are not allowed to republish any content outside the internet (i.e print or other media) unless you got an explicit permission from me.
For any question or contact see my contact information.